Futurist Insights
Visionary Strategy
We will be the world’s leading organisation in our industry through loyal customers, passionate staff and satisfied shareholders… is not a vision statement.
Nudge Forward
In the olden days, like last year, I’d learned that AI requires careful prompting.Giving it a persona and detailed directions. As a result, my standard guidance when asking AI to proofread was:
Lead AI Strategically
If the definition of strategy is a plan of action to achieve major aims, what’s your AI strategy?In other words, what are your major aims with AI and what’s your plan of action to make it happen?
A quick slow note
Which meeting would you rather be in:“Okay everyone. We only have 60 minutes and we’ve got a lot to get through. I know everyone’s busy so let’s quickly get on with planning…”
Transformative Capabilities
From a caterpillar to a butterfly.A truly remarkable transformation. Except for the fact that this is not the full story. An incomplete picture.
Adaptive Leadership
Adapting to changing conditions requires being comfortable with new ideas that do not make sense.At first. To discover new ways forward we have to learn how to lean into the discomfort. Adapting our perspectives and associated decisions to shift with agility in uncertain environments.
Progressive Thinking
Have you ever driven in rain so heavy you knew you really should not be driving? Remember how it felt. Barely able to see what was in front of you, every sense heightened, tensed for possible collision.
Go Further
Progress depends on restlessness. Not being content with what is. Instead going a step further to discover what might be.