Have you ever
lived in the future?
As a Futurist I imagine not. Yet we’re all now living in an environment unlike the past. Requiring us to be equipped with the skills and mindset needed for the evolving world of work. To confidently navigate and adapt to new changes ahead.
AI Leadership
Advance beyond AI’s typical definition of Artificial Intelligence, to leverage the power of your own leadership AI – Adaptive Intelligence.
Our AI Leadership formats explore leading-edge developments within AI, using approachable and easily understood language and examples. A critical focus is on the leadership skills needed to navigate and guide the successful application of Artificial Intelligence across organisations.
2025 Futurework
Leadership Programme
13–14 May 2025, Aotearoa New Zealand
New Ways of Thinking, Leading and Working
Our world has changed.
The environment we operate in has become more complex and uncertain. Requiring a fundamental shift in thinking – from a fixed mindset to a growth Mindleap.
Why? We can only work in new ways if we can also lead in new ways. Leading in new ways requires thinking in new ways. By developing new thought patterns. New leadership habits.
Resulting in a modern set of skills ready for the future of work. Ready for today.
The Futurework Leadership
programme is supported by the
Futurework Guidebook
Inspire forward with new possibilities
As a Futurist living on the edge of the world, Dave Wild has presented on stages and screens across the globe from San Francisco to South Auckland to Sydney. He’s inspired and informed audiences at industry conferences, government meetings and team events for clients such as Microsoft, L’Oréal, Toyota and Red Cross. Inspiring and energising audiences with future insights and tools that open minds to new possibilities ahead.
Gain momentum by shifting perspectives
Facilitation is a complex process. In a changing world it’s only getting more complex. Fortunately it’s the complexity of facilitating that inspires the way we work. If you’ve ever been in a meeting that drifted off topic or seemed to go on forever – yet still failed to result in clear actions – you know all too well the advantages of expert facilitation.
Adapt to transform the future
Adaptive. Digital. Collaborative. Diverse. Inclusive. If you look at the critical shifts happening within modern workplaces, they’re all designed to enable organisations to become more responsive. To better understand, anticipate and adapt to the changing needs of your customers, communities and stakeholders.
Get Future Ready
From Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformations to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we live in an inspiring moment in time. An age where our machines are becoming smarter than ever, creating new possibilities for what it means to be uniquely human…
We create the future with organisations across society
from disruptive startups and social enterprises to industry leaders and government agencies
Impact Stories
The leaders and teams we work with are creating a better future → Explore more stories
Reimagining Energy
Counties Energy knows that energy can change our lives for the better.
The Future of Workplaces
OfficeMax is creating a sustainable future for our workplaces and communities.
Our world needs leaders with a greater ability to flex. To adapt their viewpoints. To more rapidly assimilate new information from diverse perspectives. Adapting their decisions and strategies ahead of the environment, not after the world has already shifted.
In times of change you’ll often hear others saying that you need a new mindset. However to shape your future the last thing you need is a mindset. In fact that’s the problem.
Instead what’s now required from our leaders is the ability to Mindleap…
Futurework Leadership Programme
New Ways of Thinking, Leading and Working
Futures Thinking Course
Develop new ways of thinking in just one hour
Futurist Dave Wild inspires audiences around the world with future insights that open minds to new possibilities ahead. His engaging and uplifting approach reaches beyond stages and screens to challenge and energise audiences with keynote talks and workshop events like no other.
Futurist Hour
Gain a fresh perspective by joining Futurist Dave Wild for an energising and inspiring look at the future