Futures Thinking Skills

Join the Futurework Community via our Futurist toolkit and receive free access to the Futures Thinking Skills short course

Develop new ways of thinking in just one hour.

With this series of six short video lessons, Futurist Dave Wild shares leaps in thinking to confidently lead in a changing world…

Preview the Futures Thinking Skills videos

Future of Work Programme

New Ways of Thinking, Leading and Working
Open Futurework Programme: May 2025

The world has changed. Exclusive, prescriptive, anti-tech leadership is the past. Inclusive, collaborative, digital leadership is the future. However the future isn’t off in the distance – it’s here now and requires a new set of skills…


Inspire. Shift. Upskill.

Designed to inspire, shift and connect, Futurist Facilitation equip teams with renewed energy and new skills for an ever-changing world. Combine external facilitation with expert coaching to inspire teams forward for greater impact of results achieved…